HANDS has always been dedicated to the welfare of people and nature

Published: 2024-10-27 09:52:24 AM

Sponser of : Human and Nature Development Society (HANDS)

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Tree Plantation Program

Human and Nature Development Society (HANDS) is a micro-credit lending organization and besides it also works towards environmental protection and sustainable development. Tree plantation project is an initiative of HANDS through which HANDS plants tree and improve forestation in rural areas of Bangladesh. The aim of this project is to safeguard biodiversity and progress the quality of life of the rural community.

However, the tree plantation project has already had numerous positive impacts so far. Quite a large number of tree has been planted through this project which is contributing drastically to the equilibrium of the environment. Apart from this, all the members and volunteers of HANDS are gifted with fruit trees and other trees from HANDS and highly encouraged to plant those trees for the betterment of the environment of the country.

If you want to contribute in environmental protection and sustainable development of the atmosphere, you can also help the tree plantation project by donating HANDS or work as a volunteer in tree plantation project and plant in your local areas. Bear in mind, tree plantation project is and important step that contributes sustainable development in protecting the environment and we all should make such project successful.

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